Eeny Meeny – M.J. Arlidge

Title: Eeny Meeny
Author: M.J. Arlidge
Publisher: Penguin books ltd.
Genre: Thriller
Pages: 448
My Rating: 8/10

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Eeny Meeny

A girl emerged from the woods, confused and barely alive. Her story is even weirder and the police have a hard time believing her. But just a couple of days later the same thing happened to Peter. He has the exact same story as Sophie. Helen Grace realizes that a crazy series killer is walking around. Pairs of victims are being abducted and they only have one choice: Kill or be killed.


Last year, I bought this book because I was seeing this series everywhere. And I finally picked it up and started to read. And I loved it immediately. What a great thriller! What a great book!

I heard people talking about they had to put this book down because it was too intense for them. Honestely I didn’t want to put this book down. But yes, some parts were intense. Especially the parts about the rape were pretty intense. It made me feel nauseous but I kept on reading.

I wish I had discovered this series years ago when the first book came out. But on the other hand, I now have 8 books left to read in this series. I can basically binge read them now. I definitely want to read the rest of the Helen Grace series. 

M.J. Arlidge is a great writer and I am not suprised that this bookseries became a huge success.

In the first book, you get to know Helen Grace, who is the main character in the Helen Grace series (obviously). You will get to know her background story, her life right now and what makes her different from other cops.

If you are a lover of great thriller books, this is definitely one book/series you have to read. You will not regret it (hopefully).

Have you read the Helen Grace series yet?




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