Just the way I am – Jo Watson

Title: Just the way I am
Author: Jo Watson
Publisher: Headline Publishing Group
Genre: Romance
Pages: 384
My Rating: 8.5/10

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Just the way I am

A woman wakes up in the hospital after an accident but now she doesn’t remember who she is, where she lives or what her life looks like. She has to stay in the hospital until the FBI finds out who she really is. Until then she has to stay in the hospital. Unfortunately, she is feeling anxious in the hospital, so she runs away. And she finds the guy (the paramedic) who helped her. Together they are trying to find out who she really is.


Do you remember my review of ‘Siri, who am I‘ from last week? That book is about a woman who got an accident and has amnesia. She doesn’t remember who she is. Well, after finishing that book, I decided to pick another book randomly from my collection and I picked ‘Just the way I am’ by Jo Watson. I love Jo Watson her books, so I thought this was going to be a great book.
The funny thing is that this book is also about a woman who got an accident and lost her memories. I promise that this was really a coincidence. I’ve never read a book about a woman with amnesia before and now two in a row! But in this review, I will probably compare this book to ‘Siri, who am I’.

As I said, I love Jo Watson her books. They are just romantic and funny and I just love her style of writing. In my review about ‘Siri, who am I’ I complained that it was weird that the woman could leave the hospital without knowing who she was and without getting any care. I mean, that woman had no idea who she was or where she lived and they still let her go. This book was different luckily. They didn’t really let her go. Someone had to take care of her. But nobody knew who she was and where she lived, so she had to stay in the hospital but she escaped. But they allowed her to stay with Noah, the paramedic who saved her.

In this book, the woman also gets her memories back, which is also what I was missing in the ‘Siri, who am I’ book. But this woman sees this as an opportunity to change her life because she doesn’t like it when she finds out who she was. In fact, she couldn’t believe that she used to live like that.

This book was also funny, heart-warming and just perfect. It reminded me that I also should do whatever I want to do and try to ignore my fears. Life is too short to play it too safe and avoiding the beautiful things in life. Her life situation is different from mine, but I get so anxious sometimes which stops me from doing what I really want to do.




  1. I never read anything from Jo Watson but this sounds truly interesting and gripping! Adding it to my reading list now, thanks for sharing this great review x

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