How to celebrate Valentine’s day when you are single

Valentine’s day is around the corner and everywhere you go you see stores displaying their Valentine’s range. It is a beautiful day to celebrate love, even when you are single. You can be your own Valentine this year. Of course, Self-love is always important and not on Valentine’s day, but it is totally okay if you be extra nice this year. Especially when you wished you were in a relationship, or when you are missing a certain person. Even when you are single, you can celebrate Valentine’s day and this is how to celebrate valentine’s day when you are single. Because you deserve it too.

How to celebrate Valentine’s day when you are single

  • Spa day. Treat yourself to a relaxing spa day. Take a long bath, do a face mask, and give yourself a manicure and pedicure. You can do this at the spa or you can just create a spa at home. 
  • Get a massage. Is there anything better than getting a good massage? 
  • Buy yourself flowers, because it makes your home prettier and Miley Cyrus told us we can buy ourselves flowers. 
  • Listen to flowers by Miley Cyrus. Talking about Miley Cyrus, this is just such a great song to listen to on Valentine’s day. No matter if you are single or not. It is all about self-love, which is always important.
  • Buy yourself something nice. The good part of being single is that your partner does not buy you something ugly and you have to pretend you really like it on Valentine’s day. Instead, you just buy what YOU like for yourself. Maybe you want to get a few novels to read the same night, or maybe you want that cute dress. You deserve it!
  • Read books. If you don’t mind reading about romance, I also bought a couple of romance books for myself this year! However, you can always decide to read a thriller if you don’t want to think about romance that day. 
  • Watch a movie. Netflix recently released a new romance movie, which I can recommend. It is called ‘Your place or mine’ starring Ashton Kutcher and Reese Witherspoon. Pretty great cast if you ask me. Brought me back to the good old days. Of course, maybe you prefer science fiction or a crime documentary. As long you are happy.
  • Exercise. There are tons of ways to make yourself happy, and one of them is exercising. Exercising releases feel-good hormones and makes you happy. Do a fun dance workout or just go out for a long walk.
  • Start a new hobby. Not being in a relationship has its benefits. You don’t have to think about someone else’s needs. You just can think about yourself. Maybe you’ve always wanted to learn to play an instrument, or you want to learn a new language. Learning something is a form of self-love/self-growth too! 
  • Make your favourite dinner. Just because you can
  • Host a single’s party. You are probably not the only single in the world, invite other singles and just have fun! Or maybe you can attend a single’s party on Valentine’s day.
  • Bake something. Bake brownies or make an apple pie and share it with your friends or eat everything by yourself.
  • Book a city trip. If you don’t have a day off (just like most people) book a city trip for next weekend. Go somewhere you’ve always wanted to go to.
  • Go to a concert. Check all the venues in your area to see which artists are performing that day. And who knows? Maybe you discover a new great artist!
  • Go to the museum. Visit your favourite museum and just enjoy your alone time.
  • Buy chocolate for yourself, because most people love chocolate right? No matter what day it is.
  • Give yourself a makeover, not that you really need it because you already look amazing obviously. But maybe you just want to try something new to see if you like it or not.
  • Do something active. Maybe you can try laser gaming with friends or paintball, maybe bowling, or try an escape room. There are tons of fun things you can do with friends.
  • Take a dance class. Dancing can be really sexy and it also feels amazing to dance. So find a dance class in your area and just have fun.
  • Start a new project, maybe this is the time to start your own business or find that new perfect job. Maybe you want to travel the world and you want to make a travel plan. 
  • Make and send Valentine’s cards to your friends, because they also deserve a little bit of love!
  • Organize a game night with friends at your place. Make some snacks and just have fun!
  • Create the perfect spring/summer wardrobe with Pinterest and start shopping. Buy those cute little dresses you want or buy new shorts and cute tops! Or buy that bikini/swimsuit.
  • Unplug from social media. What if you just broke up and you want to avoid all that romantic stuff? Social media is full of romantic photos/videos around Valentine’s day, so maybe it is time to do a social media detox. It is also great for your mental health and you will be more productive. And this way you finally have time to read that book you were planning to read.
  • Create a vision board. Creating vision boards is extremely fun. You can do it alone or with friends. It does not matter. Turn on the music and put all of your dreams on this board and work for it!
  • Go to bed early. Sometimes going to bed early sounds like a dream. Maybe you need those extra hours of sleep or you just want to relax and read that book in bed.

    As you can read, there are tons of things you could do this Valentine’s day. Of course, you can also save this list for other days, because every day is self-love day! Do whatever feels good to you!

    Photo by Kerri Shaver on Unsplash



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