42 things you can do alone at home.


It is the end of February and we are still sitting at home because of the pandemic and we don’t see a lot of people. Or even when this pandemic will be over, you will have days when you are just alone and that is okay. Me-time is great! But if you have no idea what to do with your time, don’t worry! That is why I made a list of 42 things you can do alone at home. I am aware that ‘hiking’ is also on this list but that is the only thing you really have to do outside your house. You can do the other 41 things at home.

42 things you can do alone at home

1. Be creative. There are so many creative things you can do if you want to be creative. You can paint, knit, crocheting or make your own birthday cards.
2. Play games. Do you like to play games? Maybe you have a couple of games at home you can play like The Sims 4 or Call of Duty. If you don’t have games, you can always find a new app on your Ipad or phone.
3. Watch series. Do you prefer Netflix? Watch your favorite series or try something new.
4. Play with your pet. Do you have a pet? A pet loves the attention (most of the time), so play and cuddle with him or her.
5. Social media. Social media can be also very fun. You can find new inspirational people/accounts to follow, you can talk to people you’ve never met and you can also give your Insta feed a make-over.
6. Start a blog. Do you like to write down your thought about something? Or do you prefer to inspire other people or maybe you just like to write? Maybe blogging is something for you. Start a free blog on WordPress or Blogger and if you really like it, you can always buy your own domain.
7. Read blog articles from other bloggers. Or maybe you just like to read blog articles. There are billions of blog articles you can read. So find a blogger who writes about the things you like. Or maybe you want to know more about a certain topic like astrology. Find a blogger who writes about that.
8. Take a hike. Do you need to exercise? Just go out for a walk and relax. Walking is great for your body and mind.
9. Bake something. Do you like to bake or do you want to eat something delicious? Bake a cake or a pie.
10. Cleaning. It feels like spring, so this is the perfect timing to clean everything. Your house will feel fresh again and you will be grateful for that.
11. Read a book. Reading books is so much fun. There is always a book that you will like. There are so many genres and authors. Just find the right genre/author for you and read all of his/her books. Reading is really great for you because reading has a lot of benefits. If you have no idea what to read, I write tons of book reviews.
12. Work-out. Do you want to exercise but you don’t like to walk? You can find tons of videos on YouTube with different kinds of work-out. And most of the time you don’t need any equipment like weights.
13. Dance party. Are you in the mood for a party? Turn on the music and just dance
14. Make a vision board. A vision board is nice when you want to stay focused on your goals. Put it all on a canvas and put it on your wall.
15. Make a puzzle. Make a 1000-pieces puzzle or make a crossword puzzle. Your brain will love the challenge.
16. Meditate. Do you have 1001 thoughts and it annoys you? Maybe a meditation can help you. Sit down where nobody can disturb you and just focus on your breathing. It is too hard for now? You can find a lot of guided meditations on YouTube.
17. Yoga. Does your body feel stiff, maybe yoga is something for you? And again you can find a lot of videos on YouTube with Yoga exercises. One of the most popular accounts is Yoga with Adriene. I like her videos too.
18. Become a plant mom/dad. Buy plants and take care of them. It will make your home look amazing and some plants don’t even need that much water.
19. Grow your own food. I have been doing this for the last couple of years and it is so much fun to grow your own food. Yes, you have to be patient but it will be worth it. It will taste so much better than when you buy it from the supermarket.
20. Try a new dish. Are you in the mood to try something new? Find a new recipe on Pinterest.
21. Work on yourself. Right now is the perfect time to work on yourself. Is there something you would like to change about yourself? Take a couple of weeks/months to focus on the things you want to change. Maybe you want to exercise more or you don’t like how you get mad for some reason. Buy a self-improvement book and work on yourself. Become a better person (for yourself).
22. Learn a new language. Have you always wanted to learn Spanish or Italian? Now is the time! And you can learn a lot of languages on Duolingo and the good news is that it is free.
23. Call/Facetime someone. Do you need to talk to someone? Call or facetime the person you miss and talk for a while. Social life is still important.
24. Watch your favorite movie again. I can watch my favorite movie (Pride and Prejudice) over and over again. So if your favorite movie is on Netflix, go and watch it. Just enjoy it.
25. Make TikTok videos. Tiktok is huge at this moment and it is not just for kids. And you can make any kind of content on this beautiful platform. From dancing to lipsync to funny content.
26. Start your own YouTube channel. Tiktok is fun but those are really short videos. If you want to create longer videos, YouTube is the place to be for you.
27. Give your room/house a make-over. Number 27 of the 42 things you can do alone at home is giving your house or room a make-over. It is almost spring, so redecorate your home and buy some flowers.
28. Learn how to play an instrument. This is still on my to-do list, but I kind of want to learn how to play the ukelele. So if the lockdown is going to last longer, I will buy a Ukelele. But you can also learn a different instrument obviously.
29. Photography. Whether is just for fun, for a business, or for your social media platforms. Photography is fun and there is so much to learn when you are a beginner. Look for information on websites or forums.
30. Practise Mindfulness. According to science, overthinking is killing for your happiness, but you can take back control and feel happier again by practicing mindfulness. It is very easy, you just focus on the thing you are doing right now (work, blogging, reading, breathing), and if your mind starts to wander, bring your focus back to the thing you were doing.
31. Create your own spa in your bathroom. Take time for yourself with a hot bath, buy bath bombs and face masks and just enjoy your me-time. You deserve it.
32. Watch YouTube videos. There are so many videos on YouTube. You can watch videos just purely for entertainment or you can watch videos because you want to learn something.
33. Start a bullet-journal. Creating a bullet journal takes a lot of time but it is also very fun.
34. Take a nap. Are you feeling stressed or tired? Maybe it is time for some extra sleep. Don’t sleep for too long, otherwise, you can’t sleep at night. But when you wake up again, you will feel a lot better.
35. Online shopping. The stores here are basically closed, so the only thing you can do right now is online shopping. Buy new clothes for spring/summer. Now is the time
36. Learn a new dance. Dancing makes me happy and it is so much fun to learn a new dance. You can find short dances on Tiktok but for longer dances, you can go to YouTube.
37. Listen to a podcast. There are so many podcasts, and I bet there will be one podcast you will like.
38. Photoshoot with yourself. Use Pinterest and/or Instagram as an inspiration source, take photos and share them with your friends/followers on Instagram.
39. Write a book. Do you need a bigger challenge? Write a book. Fiction or non-fiction and sell it on your blog, Amazon, or find a publisher.
40. Try to follow a YouTube make-up tutorial.
41. Make your own pizza. and now you can put everything you like on your pizza. Put a lot of veggies on your pizza.
42. Make a planning/to-do list. The last one of the 42 things you can do alone at home. Do you need to do a lot of things in the next few days/weeks/month? Make planning and a to-do list. It will make your life a lot easier.

These were 42 things you can do alone at home. Are you missing something on this list? Please, let me know!



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