Things you should do before spring starts

Spring is around the corner and I am so excited. It feels like everything, including me, is coming back to life. I can’t wait to see the leaves on the tree again and to spend more time outside without freezing my toes off. I think it is my favourite season and not because I was born in spring. There is something magical about seeing everything growing, little lambs and other cute baby animals. It is also a great moment to start fresh and clean. These are the things you should do before spring starts.

Things you should do before spring starts

Make your balcony/garden summer proof
Spring means you will be spending a lot more time outside, me too. But in the last couple of months, it was too cold to work on your balcony and garden. Now is the perfect time to clean your whole garden or balcony and make it summer-proof. Put the chairs and table outside again, plant a few beautiful plants or maybe you want to have a strawberry plant, so you can eat them fresh all the time. Just cancel all your plans on your day off and start working! 

Spring cleaning
Here in the Netherlands a lot of people do spring cleaning. Which means you clean the whole house thoroughly. Some people put their furniture outside when they do this. But it is time to clean every single corner and every little object. Put your bed sheets in the washing machine, and hang your duvet outside. Start in one room and then go to the next room. And to make it more fun, you should put your favourite playlist on. It is a lot of work to clean everything, but it will be worth it. And if it is warm enough outside, open all of your windows to let some fresh air in. 

Social media cleaning
We can clean our garden and house, but there is one more thing you can clean and that is your social media following/followers lists. It is time to go through your lists and see who you still want to follow and which you do want to unfollow. You can even go through your followers list, if you don’t have too many followers, to see if you have any bots following you. This happens a lot on Instagram, but it is too much work when you have more than a few hundred followers. Maybe you can start posting new photos with a spring/summer vibe. Or delete the photos you don’t like.

Spring/Summer wardrobe
A new season means a new wardrobe. Go through all of your summer clothing and see what you still want to wear and what not. Create a Pinterest board (Here is mine). Donate all of the clothes you don’t fit or don’t want to wear anymore. Maybe someone else will be happy with your old clothes. Then it is time to start shopping. If you have the patience I would recommend thrift stores. There is no certainty you find something that you want to wear this summer, but it is cheaper and better for the environment. 

Also read: Reasons why you should thrift clothes

Give your room/house a makeover
Since you are already deep cleaning everything, maybe this is a great moment to give your home a makeover. Maybe some new cushions, plants/flowers or other spring decorations. Just changing a couple of things can make a huge difference. Again, you can use Pinterest for some inspiration. And it does not have to be expensive at all. You can find a lot of things at thrift stores. 

Make a spring/summer to-do list
I don’t know about you, but I am feeling a lot more motivated in spring and summer. During the cold months, I prefer to be a hermit and the moment the sun comes out, I suddenly want to do things again. There are tons of things you can do during spring/summer. Maybe you can find a cool festival you want to attend, organize a bbq party at your house for your friends, or go to the beach. The options are endless. Or maybe if you like to read, make a reading list of the books you really want to read. Ask your friends if they want to do certain things with you, so you don’t have to do everything alone.

Find new recipes 
I eat different things during the colder months, but when it gets warmer I start to eat more salads. Find new recipes you would like to try this summer, it doesn’t have to be a salad of course. Just try whatever you want to try. One thing I like to do is try new healthy smoothies. I love eating/drinking smoothies when it is hot. It is easy to make, it is refreshing and of course, it has a lot of vitamins and minerals. 

Photo by Volha Flaxeco on Unsplash



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