Diary #1: The one with the new goals for September

It is almost September and I honestly can’t believe how fast time is going. I can already tell Autumn is getting closer and closer. The mornings and evenings are chilly, which I love. August was a pretty good month. I have this feeling that my life is getting better and better. One reason for this is that I am currently working on myself and my mindset. I am following Gabrielle Bernstein’s 40-day guidebook called ‘May cause miracles. It helps me to focus more on the positive things. Before this, I was constantly focused on the negative things and I was feeling stressed, angry, irritated. I was so done with my old attitude, I decided to buy that (e)book and start really working on myself.

It is also the last Sunday of August. It is so weird that summer is basically over now. One part of me is feeling sad because we had a lot of rain this summer and the temperature on average was around 22 degrees I think. Which is not bad. I am still happy that we didn’t have a super hot summer. I still want to do things and when it is too hot I am less motivated to do anything at all. But on the other hand, I am also pretty excited because I think this part of the year is my favourite. Autumn is really that cosy season and I am so ready for it. Of course, we have Halloween at the end of October and Christmas in December. But first, we have September, the start of autumn.

My goals & plans for September

Normally, I would stay a lot inside the house because of the rain and wind. But this year, I decided to really enjoy this time of the year. So I made a list of things I want to do this month and I am already pretty excited.

– Work on me every single day: I am not able to finish that 40-day course in September because it is actually more than 40 days. But the goal is to work on me every single day to become a better version of myself and hopefully happier.
Buy an umbrella. The raining season is coming
– Walking: I want to start walking a lot more daily. That is why I also want to buy an umbrella. So when it rains I can still go outside for my walk.
– Bake/make something vegan: Not sure what I want to make but making vegan brownies and vegan dark chocolate bark are on my list right now.
– Connect with other like-minded people/bloggers: I want to have more connections with other bloggers/people.
– Make a schedule for all of my platforms and stick to it.
– Buy birthday gifts for my dad and celebrate his birthday
– Sunday movie afternoon. At first, I had my Friday movie night, but now I don’t use any screens anymore in the evening, so I decided to move it to my Sunday afternoon.
– Make sure the lights on my bike are still working: the days are getting shorter and this is something I have to check to make sure I am safe and I don’t get a ticket.

These are the things I want to do in September. I also want to go shopping for autumn, but not sure if I am going to do that this month or maybe I am going to wait for next month.
I honestly can’t wait for September, I can really feel that it is going to be an awesome month.

What are your plans for September?



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