The Midnight Library – Matt Haig

Title: The midnight Library
Author: Matt Haig
Publisher: Canongate Books Ltd
Genre: Drama
Pages: 304
My Rating: 9/10

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The midnight Library

Nora’s life hasn’t been easy. She got fired from her job and that one night her cat died too. That is when Nora thinks she wants to die. She takes an overdose and she expects to die. Instead, she ends up in a library and all of the books represents a different version of Nora’s life. What would have happened if she decided to go to the Olympics? What if she married this or that guy. What if she had decided to get a different job. In this library, she can try out these lives. But will she ever find one she would really enjoy? Will Nora regret she took an overdose?


This book is extremely popular and the thing with popular books is that they can let you down because you have extremely high expectations. But I heard there will be a movie adaption of this book and I knew I wanted to read the book first. And so I did. And to be honest, it didn’t let me down at all.

This book is very deep. Normally I read a lot of romance books and the thing with those books is that you don’t have to think about anything. This book is different because I actually started to think about my own life. I was wondering what my life would be like if I made a different choice of what I wanted to study, what if I still played football (I was pretty good at it, in my opinion), what if I took more risks? Like Nora, I also have regrets about the things I didn’t do. I even realized this before reading this book. I wasn’t really living, I was just surviving.

This book made me realize that if you make one completely different decision, your life can be completely different. But another thing is that you just can’t do everything. Take Nora for example, if she went to the Olympics she would have never studied. She would have used all of her time to train and to become better at swimming. Real-life is just like that. If you make one decision, you say ‘no’ to the other possibility. I think you just have to pick whatever feels good.

Anyway, this was such a great book. As you can read it is very deep. I started to think about my own life and my own regrets. Good thing is that there is still time to change my life. There is enough time to make better decisions from now on.

This is also the kind of book you want to finish in one sitting because you want to know how it ends. Of course, I had this idea how I would have ended this book and apparently, Matt Haig had the same idea. So I also liked the ending. It was a beautiful ending. This is the kind of book you want to read over and over. Most of the time, I don’t have that feeling. But this book is probably one of those books I would read again.

This book is definitely a recommendation for everyone. You will definitely start to think about your own life, your decisions and your regrets. I have to give you a warning though. It is about someone who wants (and tries) to kill herself and it is about depression. I wouldn’t recommend it to people who struggle with these things.



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