Sex education – season 3

Title: Sex Education season 3
Actors: Asa Butterfield, Gillian Anderson, Ncuti Gatwa
Directors: Ben Taylor, Runyararo Mapfumo
Writers: Laurie Nunn, Sophie Goodhart and more
Genre: drama, romance
My Rating: 7.5/10

Sex education – season 3

Headteacher Groff was fired after the last incident with the sex musical at the school, so now it is time for Hope to take over. On the first day, everyone loves her and thinks she is cool. But they change their minds pretty quickly when she introduces new rules at the school. First, it starts with a line so you have to stay on one side of the hallway. But before the kids at Moordale know, there are more rules and uniforms. Hope tries to keep everyone on the right path. But is this really the right way to do this?


I was so happy Sex Education was back again. I missed this show. I know I am older and I am not a teenager anymore but I enjoy watching this. First of all, I think this was the kind of series I needed when I was a teenager. At my school, we never had sex education or anything like that. Nobody talked about that at all. We have to figure out everything by ourselves. But the teens these days are lucky they have a show like this one. It is about loving your body as it is, all sexualities and genders and so much more.

Now, I think it was weird that I never was taught about things like this. Take for example Aimee who realizes that every vulva is different and she thought her vulva was weird because it didn’t look like the pornstars’ ones. Porn can mess with your self-esteem. But I know that there is an Instagram page with all kinds of vulvae. I love that someone decided to start that page to share that everyone is unique.

This season was great and I love how they just don’t talk about straight or gay people. But on this show, you have one who is pansexual, bisexual and non-binary. I think this is great. First of all, kids can finally recognize themselves in someone. They now have a role model. Or it is a way to find out who you are.

I liked the stories a lot this season. It shows it is okay who you are and what you like. And of course, we have Maeve and Otis. Will they finally find love. But honestly, I was hoping for them to work everything out and admit they like each other. But this season I wasn’t as hyped as first. Maybe because Otis started seeing Ruby (started at the end of season 2) and I started to like Ruby a lot this season.

I was also happy to find out that Adam started to accept who he is and it was good to see everyone else finding themselves too. Adam’s dad is also working on himself and he starts to become a nice man. Aimee went to therapy because she is still struggling with the sexual assault that happened in season 2. To be honest, I am already waiting for season 4 because I feel like it is not the end yet. But I realize that this show won’t last forever, because they have to graduate eventually. And that thought made me sad. Or maybe they use a new generation?



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