From fake to forever – Laila Rafi | Book review

Title: From fake to forever
Author: Laila Rafi
Publisher: Orion Dash
Genre: Fake Dating
Pages: 304
My Rating: 6.5/10

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From fake to forever

Jiya is the first woman in her family who is trying to get her MBA, but she has the feeling that her parents aren’t as supportive as she would have hoped. Her parents are constantly trying to match her with the perfect guy. But the only thing she wants is to finish her degree and start working. She does not want to get married now.
Ibrahim does not want to have an arranged marriage. He can tell it has changed his brother and he just wants to find someone he likes. His brother Harry suggests he starts fake dating Jiya so their parents will leave them alone. There will be no engagement. It is just a fake relationship for a few weeks, maybe months.


It was Saturday late in the afternoon I realized I still had no blog post for the next day, Sunday. A year ago, I wouldn’t have cared, but right now I have been publishing a new blog every single day and I did not want to skip a day anymore. You are probably wondering what this has to do with this book. Well, a lot actually. I always publish a book review on Sunday. So the control freak in me, decided I had to finish the book I was reading as soon as possible. That was probably a mistake. First of all, reading books should be a fun activity and never be a chore on your to-do list. Don’t be like me.

Second of all, since I still had to read 75% of the book, I had to rush through it. I think it influenced my opinion about this book. But I am still trying to do my best. And next time, I will just publish something else instead of trying to read a book as fast as possible.

Back to the book, this book is definitely a book for people who like the whole fake dating trope. I like most romance tropes, so I was excited to read this one too. I like when two people are friends and then realize they have feelings for each other. Although, I have to admit and say that Jiya and Ibrahim basically skipped the whole being friends step. The first time Ibrahim met Jiya, he basically fell in love already. And their first kiss was pretty fast too. But they never wanted to admit their feelings for each other, because that would mess everything up.

Even though I rushed through this book, I think I can still say that this book was just an okay book. It is good enough for when you want to read something cheesy and you’re in the mood for a fake dating trope. But honestly, I liked most parts of this book but not the whole book. Don’t get me wrong, it is still good enough that you should read it. But for me, there was one thing I did not like. The stupid thing is that I have no idea what. There was definitely chemistry between the two main characters. Which is the most important thing in romance books. So I am still figuring out what I did not like about this book. What I can say is that this book might not be the best book I’ve ever read. There were books, I couldn’t stop reading. I With this book, I could easily stop for a second and take a break. But was it the worst? Definitely not.

Likes and Dislikes

Things I liked about this book:
– There was chemistry between the two main characters
– Fake dating trope
– It was a short, quick read

Things I did not like about this book:
– It was just not one of those books I couldn’t put down



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