8 reasons why blogging makes me happy

If you say blogging, some people immediately think about those influencers who constantly receive many things for free. But that never happens unless you get a lot of views and publish regularly new posts on your blog. But it can take several years to get there and it is possibly the worst reason why you start blogging. Today I share my 8 reasons why blogging makes me happy. Because blogging is definitely more than getting stuff for free and getting paid for writing new blog posts.

8 reasons why blogging makes me happy

Write, write, write

Since I can remember I love to write things. It doesn’t matter what I am writing but I think I write every single day. These it is mostly for my blogs, but back in the day, I used to write for fun too. And at the moment I also have a scripting journal (a law of attraction tool). I was born to write stuff and I really like the feeling when I am writing stuff for my blog or in my journal. That is one of the reasons why I started blogging. I really like to write.

My own personal diary

Sure, I also write about mental health, beauty, movies/books, and other lifestyle topics. But my blog is really my diary. At the end of the year, I can look back on my blog and see what I did this year, what books I read and what movies I watched. And since a couple of weeks, I also make weekly updates called ‘My happy hippie week’


Every time I get a new comment, I smile. I really like to receive new comments. Because that is one way to tell if your readers really like your blog articles. I can’t really describe the feeling when I get a new comment, but it feels amazing.

Getting to know other bloggers

I am not the only blogger in the world. Many other people are having the same passion. Which is great, because we get the chance to share our experiences and help each other. I think that is amazing. And you can even become friends with other bloggers or even your readers too. So blogging is a great way if you want to make new friends.

Writing about the positive things

This blog is all mine. That also means that I can do and write about anything I want to. I sometimes call my blog ‘a happy place on the internet’ because I love to write about positive and happy things. That is where my focus is. I like writing about those things because I love to spread positivity and happiness and I want my readers to feel better when they come to blog.

Learning new skills

If you have a blog, you probably know what SEO is and why it is important for your blog. Or when you have a blog, you also know what DA or PA scores mean. This is something I would never learn if I didn’t have started a blog a few years ago.
And at the same time, I also learn more things about social media, especially Instagram. I use my statistics to grow my platforms.

You can blog anywhere

All you need for blogging is an internet connection and your laptop. That’s all. Which means, you can blog anywhere you want to. If you want to stay in bed? That is possible! You want to work on your blog in the library or in a cafĂ©? Also possible, as long they have a great WIFI connection

A good excuse to buy new things

I used to do this all the time, even before I started this blog. When I had my first (Dutch) blog, like a really long time ago, I would buy new things so I could review them on my blog. I still buy new things sometimes but not that many anymore.

So as you can see there are a lot of reasons why blogging makes me happy. But these are also the reasons why I will never stop writing on my blog.

Do you have a blog, if so why do you blog?



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