5 tips for thrift shopping

One of the things I really love to do is thrift shopping. I go at least once a month to a thrift store I am lucky that there are a few great thrift stores around here. But maybe you never go to a thrift store and maybe you want to go to the thrift store for the first time soon. You probably have no idea what to expect. Thrift shopping is nothing like normal shopping. It is a different experience and today I give you 5 tips for thrift shopping, so you don’t feel overwhelmed when you go and maybe come home with a few nice items.

Also read: Reasons why you should thrift your clothes

5 Tips for thrift shopping

Visit thrift stores often
I go to thrift stores pretty often because they get new stuff every single day. So if you went today, it is possible they have a lot of new stuff next week. I mostly go to thrift stores for clothes and books at this moment, but every time I get there, they have a whole bunch of new clothes. If you don’t find anything today, it is possible that you will find something cute and beautiful next week. I try to go to the thrift store for at least a month. I also go when they have seasonal stuff in. Right now, one store focus on summer clothes instead of warm winter clothes. But I also go immediately when I know they have their Christmas stuff back in store.

Take your time
Sometimes I go to the store before I go to the office, but I would not recommend that. I would recommend taking your time. Most of the time I go around 10 when they open in the morning. I also make sure I don’t have to be somewhere else that day. At least, not for the next few hours. That sounds a bit dramatic, but sometimes it takes time to find something great. Sometimes I will be outside within 30 minutes because I did not like anything. Other times I see things that I like and on those days, I can spend an hour or sometimes even longer at the store. Especially when I am looking for new outfits, I have to check every rack and every item. This way, you are sure you did not miss anything great. Every item is different. It is nothing like your normal (clothing) store. 

Have no expectation
When you go to the thrift store and you want to buy something, you will be disappointed. Why? You never know what they are selling right now. Sometimes they have a lot of great things you like, other times they have nothing. For example: when I look for English books, I have no expectations. You never know if they sell English books (because I live in the Netherlands and we speak Dutch) and if they have a few, you never know if you will like them. Sure, you can have a wishlist but just don’t expect to find everything you want. And sometimes you are looking for summer shorts and you find the prettiest dress ever.

Get out of your comfort zone
It is also a great way to experiment. I go to the thrift store for clothes and new outfits. They always have a lot of different styles. Thrift stores are also known as pretty cheap, So this is a great way to experiment with a new style and see if you like it. Pick a few items that you like but never wear and try them on. Maybe something will look amazing on you and you will find a new style. 

Put it in your basket
In the beginning, I made a mistake as a new thrift shopper. Sometimes I saw something that I liked, but I wasn’t completely sure about it. So I left it there. I went through the rest of the stuff and one moment, I decided I did like that thing. I went back and it was gone. If you see something that you like, always put it in your basket or shopping car. Everything is one of a kind at the thrift store. If you see a dress you kind of like, take it with you. You can always try it on and decide if you really like it or not. You can always put it back, but if you don’t take it someone else will.

Extra tip: Bring your old clothes and stuff to the thrift store
Sure, you can go to the thrift store because you want to buy something new. But you can also donate a few things to the store if you are going. Maybe you have a few clothing items you don’t like to wear anymore or books you did not like. You can donate everything. I believe I can even donate broken radios if I had one. They try to repair it and sell it again. You can make someone else happy with it. 

Photo by Prudence Earl on Unsplash



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