31 self-care ideas for winter

                                      Photo by Alisa Anton on Unsplash

It is winter and super cold outside. And at the same time, we are still spending a lot of time indoors because of the pandemic. But especially now we have to take care of ourselves. Make sure that stress isn’t controlling and ruining our lives. In this blog post, you can find 31 self-care ideas for winter.

31 self-care for winter

1. Gratitude. Life is better when you focus on the bright side of life. So take 5 minutes every single day to be grateful. You can say it out loud or write it down.
2. Journal. Write everything down especially when you are feeling stressed or when you can’t sleep. Journaling is great when you want to clear your mind.
3. Bath. Lock yourself up in the bathroom and run a hot bath. And relax!
4. Hot cup of coffee, tea or chocolate. What is better than a hot cup of tea on a rainy or cold snowy day?
5. Read a book. Reading makes me feel so relaxed. So take time to finish that book.
6. Walk in the cold. Cold days are great for long walks. And when you come home, you can drink a cup of hot chocolate.
7. Exercise. Exercising is a great way to take of yourself. The brain releases feel-good chemicals when you are being active.
8. Candles. It gets dark pretty early, so make it cosier and use some candles.
9. Fairy lights. Don’t like candles? Buy fairy lights.
10. Bake. Winter is the best baking season, so make something for yourself (or friends/family).
11. Warm soup. I love eating soup in winter. It is nice and warm
12. Have a PJ day. Don’t want to go out on a Sunday? Stay in and wear your PJ’s all day long
13. Invite someone over. Sometimes you just need a friend.
14. Movie night or marathon. Cold and dark evenings are perfect for movie nights.
15. Play games with friends (online or offline).
16. Masks and body butter. Pamper yourself with a mask for your face and body butter for the rest of your body.
17. Paint your nails. Can you use a little bit of colour in your life? Paint your nails in a happy colour.
18. Stretching. This is always good for your body and it will help you feel relaxed.
19. Eat healthily. Of course, you eat pie every now and then, most you have to eat healthy too.
20. Sleep more. Sleeping for 8-10 hours a day is amazing. You will feel more relaxed.
21. Go outside when the sun is shining. Get that vitamin D
22. Take a nap. Still tired? Take a nap
23. Meditation. Perfect to lower your stress levels and calm your mind
24. Go offline for the weekend. You don’t have to be online 24/7. Sometimes you need time for yourself.
25. Be creative. Do you like to paint? Do you like to work in a Bullet Journal? Do it!
26. Listen to music. Sit on the couch and pick a great album
27. Have a dance party. In the mood for more upbeat songs? Have a dance party!
28. Cuddles with your pet. Pets are amazing and they love the attention
29. Affirmations. Say something nice about yourself in the mirror.
30. blankets, blankets. I can’t live without them in winter
31. Hot water bottle. Still cold? Make a hot water bottle.



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