Things I want to achieve in 2022

Most people set goals on the first day of the year and I did too. But I am going through things, good things. It feels like I am finally opening my eyes and seeing what matters to me. The other day I had a sort of vision of where I want to go in life, the things I want to achieve. I already changed so much in the last couple of weeks/months, but I feel that I am entering a new phase in my life. Maybe it is because I am turning 30 next month. But today I sat down and wrote all of the things I want to achieve in 2022. It is not going to be easy, because changing yourself and your habits never is easy. But I feel like I have to do this to make myself happy.

Things I want to achieve in 2022

Taking care of my body
I think I eat pretty healthy when it comes to dinner/lunch but when it comes to snacks not so much. 99% of the time my snacks are basically junk food. And no, there is nothing wrong with eating less healthy. I think it is all about balance. But all of my snacking habits are unhealthy. So I want to find recipes for healthy snacks. Eating an apple is healthy, but it is also a bit boring. I also want to drink more water. I always say this and then I forget to drink water. But I feel so much better when I drink enough water every single day.
But also exercising and stretching your body is important. I think during the week I am pretty active, but during the weekend not. I don’t like fitness, but I want to find a form of exercise that I like. I also want to stretch my body. Since the burn-out a few years ago, my body is stiff and I would like to fix that.

True happiness comes from within and I agree. Working on your mindset is not an easy thing to do. It is also not something you can fix in one day. It is like going to the gym, but with your mind. You have to work on it every single day. Right now, I would like to turn those negative thoughts around and stop overthinking. I also made a list of self-important books that I want to buy and study. 

I want to bring my business to the next level and start earning more money. I still have a part-time job I want to quit soon. I want to follow my passions and help other people to become the best version of themselves. I want to inspire them that life can be a beautiful thing, no matter what your situation is. At the end of the year, I want to inspire 1 million people on Tiktok to follow their hearts and be happy. That is my biggest goal right now.
I also want to start writing books and bring new life to my YouTube channel, but that is more a side thing right now. I feel that TikTok is the right place for me at this moment.

Find the dream apartment
The housing market is a mess in The Netherlands, especially in the cities. But I want to live closer to Amsterdam because I feel like that is where all the fun is. In the north of my country, it is very calm and peaceful. But it is also a bit boring in my opinion. Hopefully, I can find a place soon, at least before the end of the year.

Travel more
I want to see more of the world, but especially Europe. I love Europe and I can’t imagine living somewhere else. I like the diversity and you can be in a different country within an hour (or two).
I want to make more trips and do fun things, sightseeing, eating their foods, discovering their culture and everything else. This goal is pretty interesting because I never saw myself travelling, but suddenly I do. I don’t what changed my mind.

Meet new people
I’ve lost a lot of friends in the last couple of years. Some of them just ghosted me and sometimes we just grew apart. And that is okay. But it gets lonely when you don’t have a lot of friends. I want to meet new people and have dinner parties with them, talk all night and just have fun. I realized that friends are also one of the most important things in life. You can’t choose your family, but you can pick your friends. And sometimes you are just closer to friends and you consider them as family.



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