Oil remover roller for your face | Review

A few months ago, at the beginning of the summer, it was already pretty warm and I was kind of struggling with my oily skin. Then I went on TikTok one day and I saw a video of a woman who was also struggling with oily skin. And she had found the perfect solution. It was the oil remover roller for your face. I saved the video and thought I wanted it. But I tried to look it up and they did not sell it here anywhere close. I prefer to buy things in the store, instead of online. A few weeks later I was checking the new deals at my favourite drugstore, here in the Netherlands. There it was: a similar oil remover roller. But did it work for me as well?

Oil remover roller for your face

I am not sure what brand the other woman from the TikTok video was using. I am not even sure if I can find the video again. But the brand of my roller is Beautyfix. So today I am reviewing that brand’s oil remover roller.

The product was around 10 euros. Normally I don’t spend a lot of money on beauty, but this time I decided to go for it. I was really struggling. My face was very oily. The product design is very simple. I am not sure what I was expecting but it felt like cheap plastic. I was afraid I would break it in a month and I would have to buy a new one if I liked the product.

Like the product name says, it is a roller to remove the oil from your face. In the TikTok video, the woman used the product and I could see the difference. Her skin did not look oily anymore. After using the Beautyfix roller, I noticed my skin was still very shiny after using it. But I am not sure if it was my natural glow or because it was still a little bit oily. I did however notice a difference. My face wasn’t as oily as before, so it was working. And could really see it on the product too. The roller, which is a sort of red stone changed into a darker colour. Which is proof it actually removed oil from my skin.

And I guess that was the most important thing for me. I wished it would make my face less shiny, but it still did its job. It removed most of the oil. Which is also great for the health of my skin. I had fewer breakouts because my skin was less oily. Another thing that I liked about the product, is that you can easily open the product and clean the roller ball. Which is necessary if you use it a lot. It was also easy to put the whole product back together again.

So I have mixed feelings. The oily remover roller did its job and removed most of the oil off my face. But I was kind of looking for the same results as the TikTok woman had. Her face looked more matt and not shiny anymore. I am not sure if I would pay 10 euro’s again for a new one if I need a new one. I did some research and there are several brands now with an oil remover roller. You can get a more expensive one from Revlon or maybe a cheaper version from Amazon. There might be a difference in the quality, but the Amazon one is so cheap it would not hurt to try. What if the Amazon oil remover roller works better than an expensive one? It is not a given an expensive one is going to be better.



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