6 great habits for in the morning

                                            Photo by Emma Simpson on Unsplash

How you start your day, sets the tone for the rest of your day. You’ve probably heard this before but this is definitely true. If you wake up late because you’ve been snoozing you have to hurry and you feel stressed and everything goes wrong for the rest of the day. In this blog post, I give you 6 great habits for in the morning so you can wake up feeling calm and have enough energy during the day.

6 great habits for in the morning

Stay calm

This is the obvious one. If you don’t want to wake up feeling stressed, you have to make sure you have enough time for yourself in the morning. That means you have to wake up when the alarm goes off. If you really need more sleep, go to bed earlier. 
And really give yourself 30 minutes to an hour every single morning to wake up. And you will not regret this because you will feel happier and more relaxed.


After I took the time to eat my breakfast and taking a shower, I love to write down a couple of things for myself in my journal. I just write down the things that are bothering me or the things I want to achieve. I also write in my gratitude journal. Every morning I think about the things that happened the day before and find out what I am grateful for. 

And I also like to make a realistic to-do list. Most of the time it includes something I really have to do, like grocery shopping but also writing for my blog or filming a video for my YouTube is on my to-do list. I make sure I get enough time for every single task so I don’t have to hurry.

Waking up without a phone

The first thing a lot of people do is spending time on their phones. And before you know it, it is 30 minutes later. I like to spend the first hour of the day without a phone. I prefer to start the day calm and not being overwhelmed by all my notifications and the news.  And honestly, I feel so much better since I started doing this.

And I have more time for myself in the morning. I can now really focus on how I feel. Normally I would spend my morning scrolling through my Instagram feed and now I think it is just a waste of time.


And because I don’t spend time on my phone in the morning, I have time for other things like meditation. I can really recommend meditation to everyone, even when you are feeling happy and great. And if you feel stressed, you will feel better after meditation. And you don’t have to meditate for an hour in the morning. Most of the time I do a 10 or 20-minute meditation. 

And I’ve never used drugs (except alcohol) but sometimes I feel ‘high’ after a meditation. It is more a feeling of feeling so happy high. Not sure how to describe it. But it feels great. 


After a long night of sleep, your body needs to move around a little bit. You can go to the gym, but you can also go for a run or a walk and you can even do a work-out from home. I like to dance to awesome songs in the morning. It is a fun way to start your day.

And the good news is that your brain releases endorphins, which is a feel-good chemical. And who doesn’t want to feel good in the morning?

Gratitude journal

I already mentioned this at the beginning of this blog post, but I think it deserves more than 2 lines. Maybe at the beginning, it feels weird to do it and maybe you think that there is nothing to be grateful for. But if you still do this every single day, your brain starts to change and it will focus more on the good things in life.

So every morning I write about the things I am grateful for. It can be something small or something big. It doesn’t matter. But I am definitely more positive than I was before.

How do you start your day?



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