100 things you can do alone

Sometimes you want to do something fun but when you ask a friend if he or she has time to do something and he/she says no, it doesn’t mean that you can’t something fun anymore. There are still tons of things you can still do and that is why I made this list with 100 things you can do alone. I bet you can do almost everything alone if you want to. And to be honest, sometimes doing things on your own is nice. It is not weird and it doesn’t mean you are a loner. It is completely okay to spend time with yourself. And to be honest, as an introvert I like to do something on my own sometimes.

100 things you can do alone

1. Go for a walk
2. Do a Youtube Yoga Session
3. Go to get a drink somewhere
4. Geocaching
5. Running (train for a 5k run)
6. Stretch your body
7. Make TikTok videos
8. Go to the gym
9. Try a new sport
10. Swimming
11. Make a photo album
12. Clean up your social media accounts (unfollow people etc.)
13. Edit your videos for your YouTube channel.
14. Digitalize your kid’s photos
15. Plan your next holiday
16. Clean up files on phone/laptop
17. Finish a project
18. 1000- piece puzzle
19. Start watching a new series.
20. Buy a colour book for grown-ups
21. Listen to an audiobook
22. Watch vlogs on YouTube
23. Listen to a podcast
24. Watch a movie from the IMDB top 250
25. Listen to an album from beginning till the end
26. Read a book
27 Write in a journal
28. Meditate
29. Write down your dreams and analyze them
30. Sudoku puzzle
31. Write a letter to your future self
32. Take a powernap
33. Read your favourite child’s book again
34. Write a story/book
35. Read your favourite blogs and find new ones to follow
36. Make your nails pretty
37. Take care of your body (use body lotion, scrub etc).
38 Take a long hot bath
39. Book a massage
40. Go to the sauna
41. Digital Detox
42. Make an appointment at the beauty salon
43. Use a face mask
44. Go to bed early
45. Wake up early to watch the sunrise
46. Go shopping with a personal shopper
47. Experiment with make-up and hair
48. Find a new perfume for yourself
49. Go to a museum
50. Go to the cinema
51. Go to a flea market
52. Go to the theatre
53. Visit a place you’ve never been before
54. Go to a free concert/festival
55. Light a candle in a church
56. Go shopping in a different city
57. Go to a public garden
58. Make the best lunch ever
59. Visit places from childhood
60. Buy local products
61. Go to a library
62. Go to a lecture
63. Take a city trip
64. Donate blood
65. Send a card to someone you love
66. Raise money for a good cause
67. Buy groceries for someone else
68. Donate stuff
69. Bake cookies for someone
70. Make a mood board
71. Make birthday cards
72. Make a vision board
73. Start a bullet journal
74. Try calligraphy
75. Edit your favourite photos and print them out and put them on your wall
76. Create your own outfit from scratch
77. Decorate a room in your house
78. Propagate plants
79. Deep clean your house/apartment
80. Take care of your finances
81. Grow your own veggies and herbs
82. Feng shui your living room
83. Start a Diy project
84. Find a recipe and try it.
85. Follow a workshop
86. Take a different route from work to your house.
87. Read a self-help book
88. Follow an e-course
89. Solve a Rubiks cube
90. Create your own bucket list
91. Watch a documentary
92. Play an instrument
93. Write down new goals for next year (or next week or month)
94. Watch people at the park (don’t be creepy)
95. Make your own play-list on Spotify
96. Order food
97. Watch your favourite Disney Movie
98. Look at houses online
99. Look at stuff and photos from your childhood
100. Make the ultimate shopping wishlist

Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash



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