The list that changed my life – Olivia Beirne

Title: The list that changed my life
Author: Olivia Beirne
Publisher: HeadLine Publishing Group
Genre: Romance, Drama
Pages: 336
My Rating: 8/10

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The list that changed my life

Georgia loves to stay in her safe little comfort zone. That is until her sister gets MS and she makes a sort of bucket list for Georgia. This list includes a few things of things Amy wanted to do, but she is not able to do those anymore. Now Georgia has to start taking risks and slowly her whole life changes.


Georgia and her sister love each other but they are also very different. While her sister Amy loves to do things for fun, Georgia loves to sit on the couch after a hard day of working. But then her sister gets MS and Amy decides to make a list for Georgia. A sort of bucket list of things she wanted to do for her 30th birthday, but now Georgia has to come out of her comfort zone and do all of those things.

What a weird coincidence it was that the guy she meets at the bar was also Jack. I mean, Georgia had a date with Jack from Tinder, but the next day she realized she hasn’t been talking all night to Jack from Tinder. Tinder Jack sent her a message that he couldn’t make it. But the guy she has been talking to, was also Jack? That was hard to believe. But then again, Jack is a pretty common name in England. At first, I thought he was pretending to be Jack.

I liked this book because it is not just a romance book, it is also about stepping out of your comfort zone. Georgia loves to stay in her comfort zone and I can so relate to that. But I think this book inspired me to do some fun things too. Instead of watching Netflix during the weekend, I want to do things now. I already made a list (not finished yet) for myself. Okay, the things on my list are nothing compared to Georgia’s list. I mean, I would never go skydiving. That is really a no-go for me. But baby steps for me is good enough. We are coming from a lockdown and sometimes I already get overwhelmed now when I go to the store.

Another thing I liked about this book was that it is about MS. I think it is good that authors these days write about all sorts of people and not just about people with no diseases and about people who look average. When I was younger, I mostly read books about the standard typical woman/girls. Maybe, I just picked the wrong books at that time but because of social media I discovering books about all kinds of people. I really like that.

If we just focus on the romantic aspect of this book, I think it is just good. Not bad, not spectacular. Just good. Although, the ending was pretty impressive. Just like in most romance books, two people fight and they have to make up. And Jack did the most romantic thing ever for Georgia. Loved that! I need a man like that.

So I can say that I actually enjoyed reading it. It was not just focused on romance, but also on having a sister with MS and stepping out of your comfort zone. For a romance book, it is a pretty average (but good) book, but as a whole, it is really good.



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