Summer’s Lease – Carrie Elks

Title: Summer’s Lease
Author: Carrie Elks
Publisher: Enchanted Publications
Pages: 372
Genre: Romance
My Rating: 7.5/10

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Summer’s Lease

Cesca Shakespeare was only 18 years old when her first play, which she wrote, was about the premiere. That was until Sam Carlton, the star of the play, suddenly disappeared. That was the day when Cesca gave up on her dreams. Now she is living in London in a crappy apartment and she can’t keep a job. Now she got fired again and she does not have enough money to pay her rent. Then she gets the chance to take care of an Italian summer house. 

When she arrives, she has no idea whose house this actually is. That is until Sam Carlton is standing in front of the gate. All those memories and feelings are now coming back and she is really angry at him. At the same time, Sam has no idea who she is and why this woman is angry at him.


This is the first book of the Shakespeare sisters, 4 sisters and 4 books. The Shakespeare sisters are all living somewhere else in the world, which probably makes it more interesting. I am definitely putting the rest of the books on my list. Honestly, I thought this was a pretty new book. I don’t know why though. Maybe because I suddenly saw this book everywhere. This book actually came out in 2017. 

This book is the kind of book you want to read on a vacation or during summertime. Or maybe you are craving those summer vibes. Then this book is perfect. I love everything that is Italian (food, the country, the language). So I was happy to read a book that set place in that beautiful country. Although, there is no Italian word in this book. Not like books like The Spanish Love Deception, where the author also uses Spanish words. It gives it a little bit of something extra. But it is not a requirement of course

I had mixed feelings about the main characters, especially Sam. He wanted to be with her, but he did not want to tell his parents and his sisters about her. I totally get why Cesca was hurt and just left. 
I also did not have a lot of things in common with anyone of the characters, which makes it less relatable I guess. Which happens sometimes.

But overall, it was just a nice romance book with a little bit of drama, especially at the end. It gave me those happy summer vibes and suddenly I was dreaming about a vacation in Italy. I could picture myself in a beautiful Italian house, eating pasta and pizzas, reading books and enjoying the culture. For a moment, I was completely somewhere else. That is why it was also hard to put it down. I can definitely recommend if you like romance, Italy and summer vibes.



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